
This is where you will find training run by the Culture, Health & Wellbeing Alliance and its partners. We plan to populate this page further over the coming months. In the meantime, you might be interested in reading our case studies, research and evaluation, and toolkits pages.

Arts, Culture and Heritage: Understanding their complex effects on our health

Developed by UCL and the MARCH Network, this course aims to increase knowledge and understanding of how community resources, including arts, culture and heritage activities can improve our physical and mental health and wellbeing. It is aimed at early careers researchers and community organisations.

Culture, Health and Wellbeing: An online training course

This free online course will help you develop, deliver and evaluate the impact of arts and culture on health and wellbeing.

Evaluating Arts, Loneliness and Isolation

This webinar explores ways in which evaluation can support the arts and health sector to meet the challenges of loneliness and isolation. Jane Willis is joined by Professor Norma Daykin, Tampere University, Finland, who reflects on her recent involvement with the What Works Centre for Wellbeing, including work on understanding loneliness and the effects of loneliness interventions in arts and culture. Organised in partnership with the Culture, Health and Wellbeing Alliance and facilitated by Alex Coulter, Director of Arts & Health South West.

Arts4Dementia training

Learn how to reach people living with dementia through creative practice.